Caelin Delacroix

🧊Ice Breaker


Caelin was born as the youngest of three children to his father GunDel and his mother Kite. His father was a Yuntarian raised and a Etherian born from the world he came from. His mother was a pure blooded Yuntarian blessed with a noble wolf spirit with wings. Caelin being born as a hybrid to both an Etherian and Yuntarian meant that he and his siblings had vast differences in their natural talents. For instance, growing up he was not as magically talented as his sister Lynn who though airheaded as she was had the magical aptitude of her father and even the ability to tame and summon her pets to help in times of need. He even was not as physically capable as his brother Sieg who could handle himself on the warring battlefields in Ether with his strength like his mother.Though he lacked the strength they both possessed he however was able to be create his own way of fighting leading him to become his own unique person. He managed this by being able to balance both his physical strength and magical aptitude he gained from his parents. His martial training was derived by blending the fighting style of his dads gunblade techniques and the dual weapon fighting of his mother. This made for a deadly combination maybe even more so deadly then seeing his parents together on a battlefield. He even learned the crafting methods of his father along the way.Though it may seem all was well for Caelin growing up it was not as glorious as it would seem. His family was split apart due to conflicts in Ether and he could barely spend time with his father who was fighting on the frontlines for both his homelands. His father however was not the only one to leave him alone his mother would also join her husband and in time his siblings took to the cause. Growing up from a young age he was raised by his uncle Vess who made sure that he was always safe and trained him in the ways of the Yuntarians. This led to him harboring a distaste for his father as well as a burning passion to get his fathers attention when he would return from Ether to check on the rebuilding of Yuntari.Things would go on as normal as it could be for a child who was left alone at home without his family until one fateful day. Sometime in the summer days on Yuntari Caelin went out with a walk with his family into the forest of Yuntari. Though as dangerous as the forest would be he had no worry with his family by his side on the trip. During their walk Caelin at some point would come to hear a faint voice within the forest calling to him. Without alerting those around him Caelin sped off in the forest in search of the voice calling to him.After minutes of searching, he found himself in front of a destroyed temple with a alter in the middle. He slowly made his way inside to find on the alter a small nine-tailed spirit animal. Little to Caelin’s knowing the spirit in front of him was the Guardian spirit of Yuntari. To Caelin the guardian spirit seemed weak and feeble like on the verge of death with just barely a thread to hang on for dear life. Caelin quickly came up to the Spirit wondering what the matter was and how he could help it. The spirit looked to the young half Yuntarian and pleaded for the spirit to be allowed to take refugee within the child until he had recovered. Caelin being the young and innocent child agreed to the terms of the spirit. Once he had picked the spirit up it vanished into a swirl of energy the infused itself within Caelin’s spirit and body taking home within him and sustaining itself with Caelin’s lifeforce.His Family in the meantime noticed he was missing and began earnestly searching for him within the forest. His Father was the first to find him but the son he had known was no longer there in front of him. Caelin appearance had altered with the merge of the spirit. His once blue hair was now a snow white, and his magical aura had altered as well which GunDel would notice thanks to his eyes special ability to discern the magics and auras around him. Later, they would notice that his emotional and mental attitude had also changed. He would have more random spikes of outrage at his father than he had before. This change in him was concerning to both his parents and vowed never to let him leave Yuntari unless he was ready and with those that they deemed capable.The time would come later for him to walk on his own with the children of his father’s friends. Their journey was one filled with many trials and tribulations filled with sorrow and sadness like the death of his father, brother, and first crush. While on the other hand some with joyous outcomes like finding true love and starting a family of his own. In the end of all this he would find people whom he could call friends. He even found someone he could share his life with, his wife Ushio. He even made peace with his father and spirit knowing one only meant the best for his son, while the other like him feared being left alone by those around him that he cared and longed for every day.All seemed well into his adult years he would become king of his homeland at an early age. Thanks to him and his friends his father’s homeland of Ether was finally at peace. His country and family were thriving and well. However, him and his friend’s mortal enemies were still in hiding and one day him and his friends would confront them one more time. During their fight Caelin was separated from his friends as a portal slipped him away to a far a way land that he did not know about, a distant land called Etheirys which he would now call home as he searched for a way back to his friends and family.Now alone he searches for a way to return home with new friends he has made along the way. Though at the same time not allowing his new home to fall to darkness and be destroyed by those with similar goals as the enemies he has faced in the past. How will this new life in Eorzea be for the young man and when will he find a way to return home?


Name: Caelin Delacriox
Nickname: Cael
Data Center|Server: Crystal|Malboro
Race: Yuntarian Etherian hybrid (In-Game Miqo’te – Keepers of the Moon)
IG Physical Age: 26
Height: 5’11
Rp Friendly
Gender: (He/Him)
Sex: Male
Romantic Orientation: Hetero
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Relationship Status: Polyamorous marriages
Partners: Ushio Fang, Athena Leonhart
Physical Traits
Hair Color: Blue with White Highlights
Hair Style: Long with a braid
Eye Color: Left Eye” Blue Right Eye: Red
Tattoos: Dot on forehead and marks below eye
Piercings: Yes, one on each ear
Additional Information
Guardian: Thaliak, The Scholar
Nameday: 13th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
City-state: Limsa Lominsa
Grand Company: Maelstrom
Titles: Icebreaker
â—‡Main Jobs: Tank(GNB), PDPS(SAM), MDPS(SUM), Healer(SCH)
Play Style: Caster, Healer, Tank
Likes: Art, music, games, helping others, Crafting, blue, oriental and nature themed items, Winter, nature/animals, swimming, the ocean. And the Moon
Dislikes: Rude Ill-mannered individuals, trouble makers, People who hurt my friends and fc members, Heat, and Elitist
Home: Coming Soon...
Apartment: N/A
FC: Debauchery Tea Party ( DxTxP)|The Goblet


Data World Center: Crystal
Home World: Malboro
You can also find me with my FC :